Joking Hazard

I’m going to come right out and say this before anything else: Joking Hazard is a lot like Cards Against Humanity. If you’ve played that and hated it for its puerile humour, vulgar statements and moral-shredding outcomes then you might as well pack up and leave before reading anything else. Off you go. Leave the door open, I like the breeze.

Turn your regular card game into a Cyanide & Happiness mayhem with the Joking Hazard card game. Humor your family or friends with some of the hilarious punchlines from the popular webcomic on at home. It requires 3 or more players to start the game with one of them as the 'judge' and continue playing until somebody receives 3 points.

Joking Hazard Card Game

  1. Instructions and tipjar. Joking Hazard at a Distance (18+).
  2. The legend of Joking Hazard Inspired by the Cyanide & Happiness Random Comic Generator, Joking Hazard is a game in which you compete with your friends and enemies to finish an awful three-panel comic, from a deck of cards with millions of possible combinations.

Still here? Excellent.

Presumably that’s because you either don’t know what Cards Against Humanity is (apparently some people don’t) or you do know, and you love the idea. So tweak that formula and turn it into a cartoon strip developed by the folks who write Cyanide and Happiness, a hugely popular internet-based cartoon strip, and you get something that’s either entirely random and bizarre, or so funny that you’ll be crying for minutes on end.

For those not familiar with the idea, each player is given a set of cards, with each one having a single frame from a cartoon. It’s not a series of cartoons which have been chopped up, more just a large set of one-off pictures which may or may not have captions or speech bubbles on. Players take it in turns to be the round’s judge, taking a card from the deck and adding one of their own to form a two-frame comic strip. Everyone else then needs to come up with a punchline frame to complete the set, resulting in a three frame cartoon. These cards are passed to the judge face down, and a single card declared to have won that round. Sometimes it’s an outright funny response, sometimes it’s a disgustingly immature (and therefore hilarious) ending and, quite often, it’s just the ending that makes the most sense; you’ll get rounds quite often where nobody has a particularly funny ending.

And that’s pretty much the game. You’ll play on the humour of the judging player; would they find it funnier if one of the guys explodes, or if the character in blue shoves his ass in the other guy’s face? It’s all about context too – a card which is funny in isolation isn’t any use when there aren’t the cards preceding it to make it a good punchline. Maybe you’ve got one which doesn’t seem very funny, so you just play it to get rid of it during a round that you’re clearly not going to win. The concepts behind CAH apply here too, but the cartoon strip certainly gives it an interesting edge.

One thing that’s interesting here though is the cards with a red border – you can consider these as powered up cards which either have slightly funnier or shocking images on them, and can be useful to have in your hand as a way to provide a perfect ending to a strip. But better yet, if this is the card turned over by the judge it becomes the final panel in the strip, and instead of players only needing to find a single card to play everyone needs to provide the opening two frames of the cartoon. This can open up the opportunity for some incredibly clever and funny combinations, and while these scenarios are rare they’re certainly the highlights of any games that we played.

Joking hazard rules

It’s worth noting again, however, that it’s quite likely you’ll get some rounds where nobody can play anything decent, and you end up with a potentially interesting combination amounting to nothing. That’s part and parcel of the style of game this is and the nature of random cards, but it can certainly be a bit of a downer after laughing a lot for a few rounds. You’ll start laughing again soon enough, but don’t be surprised if you get moments – sometimes several in a row – where nothing much really happens and the judge just picks the least rubbish card that’s been played.

So when all is said and done, Joking Hazard is what happens when you cross Cards Against Humanity with the Beano. You’ll laugh, you’ll question the moral compass of some of your friends, and you might even be surprised by your parents, but it’s a very fun game to play with the right people and definitely one to look out for if you’ve got a few friends round for an evening.

This article is for those who want to learn about Joking Hazard Rules and how to play the game.
Joking Hazard is a party card game for adults. The game allows players to develop funny situations from the content of the cards. The cards contain all types of dialogues from friendship to violence and much more.
the game has built to make millions of awful and funny situations from the cards. You will get a different situation every time you play and the best part is, all the cards have funny dialogues, even when the panel doesn’t make sense. It will make you laugh.

Also Read – Drunk Uno Rules – How to master the Game.

Joking Hazard Rules

The rules are very simple, Read them carefully, so you can have the most fun while playing.

  1. The game is only for adults because of it’s mature content.
  2. You need 3 or more players to play the game.
  3. You can write anything on the 10 blank cards.

How to play joking hazard

The game box comes with 350 comic panel cards and 10 blank dialogue cards so you can add your own words.
These 10 cards are to make your game funnier. You can write something related to your friends to make the game more relatable.
First, shuffle the deck.
Each player will draw 7 cards from the deck.
choose a player to play judge from your group of friends. The judge will flip the top card of the deck and places it on the table.

Note: the judge will change in every round. The player sitting in the left (clockwise) of the judge will be the next judge.

The judge plays second, by placing his card from the hand, creating a two-panel setup.
Now, the other players will play a card facing down at the end of the setup.
After every player plays their turn. The judge will shuffle the cards and put them face down one at a time, and then choose his/her favorite.
The winner takes the winning card back for scorekeeping.
Next Round,
Each player draws another 7 cards. The person sitting left to the judge in the previous round becomes judge, and so on.
The first player to win 3 points (you can change it to your preference), wins the game.

Print you own deck

The creator of this game allows players to download the card PDF and print it out.

Joking hazard Red cards

What happens, when the judge randomly flips the top card off of the draw pile And that card has a red border.
That simply means it’s a Bonus Round.
And the drawn card will be in the last panel.
In this round judge does not add a card. Instead, it’s up to players to add the first two panels. Also, anyone can replace unwanted cards in their hand at this time.
Every player besides the judge picks their best two starting cards and places them facedown.
After that, the judge flips each player’s cards over, reads the comic aloud, and then choose his/her favorite.
The winner of that round gets two points instead of one.

Joking hazard expansion pack

joking hazard deck enhancement 1

Many players were asking the creator of the game to add more cards to make the game more interesting.
The first joking hazard deck enhancement adds 100 cards to the game to create a more funny comic.
Players just have to add these 100 cards to the original deck and mix them.
The new comic panel has many more cards.
cards about love.
cards about loss.
Cards about religion.

Joking hazard deck enhancement 2

The game creator introduced 100 new cards in their joking hazard deck enhancement 2 pack. These cards added to make game dirtier, raunchier and more offensive.
For playing with these cards, just add them to your original cards.

Joking hazard Blast from the past

This pack introduced an additional 50 history-related cards to give you a blast from the past.
This card pack is for those players, who feel the original cards are about current times and the game can be more fun if the situation will be from the past.

Stroking hazard

This is not for everybody.
Stroking hazard is a product of collaboration between P**nhub and Cyanide & Happiness, and this pack makes the game more vulgar.
This pack introduced 50 highly erotic themed cards.

Joking hazard Enlarged Box

Another expansion pack from the creator of joking hazard. This pack brings 10 brand new cards and 10 blank cards to add your-Own dialogues.
The enlarged box contains 1000 joking hazard cards.

Joking hazard rules for 2 player

There’s no official rule for 2 player to play this game, but what you can do is:
In each round, you can take another two cards from the deck and put them face download with your cards.
Then shuffle the cards, so the other player does not know which one was yours.
It would be funnier to see a card that you didn’t even look, win over your card.
Here’s another one:

Joking hazard family edition

Joking Hazard Cards

Alternative Rules

Here are some different ways to play Joking Hazard. And the drinking rules are not an official rule. It’s made by a fan of this game.

neverending story

First, Remove the red cards from the deck.
Each player gets 10 cards. Going clockwise, each player adds a panel, making one super long comic.
If the panel doesn’t make sense, the rest of the players can reject the panel, via majority vote.
If you have a card that doesn’t make sense and you can’t play it, you can trade any card from your hand for an additional two cards, and skip your turn.
The first person to run out of cards wins the game.

marathon mode

Joking Hazard Age

the game ends when someone earns 3 points, in marathon mode:
Instead of 3 points wins the game, you can keep playing until all the cards in the deck run out.
In the end, whoever has the most points, wins the game. If two player has same points and make it a tie, then the player with the lowest score becomes judge and add two panels, and the tied players play the punchline.

Drinking Rule

I hope this article helped you in understanding the Joking hazard rules. If you want more ways to play this game, click here. You will find many more creative ways to play the game.